I’ve always wanted to be punk rock, but I’ve never been able to play the part. The closest I got was an affinity for grunge in the early 90s—which kind of counts? The Ramones, the Clash, and the Sex Pistols were major influences on all of my friends and still are today, but for some reason I could never get into it. Eventually I gave up and accepted that I would always be a diehard Pulp fan. Then something happened to me years ago, something that would give me hope to channel my inner rebel and lift my fist in the air “en résistance,” I discovered...natural wine. I know wine doesn't seem edgy, but give me a chance to explain and you'll see what I mean. In the minds of most, wine is either something elite or something that comes in a box. Conventional but expensive wine and cheap swill represent the majority of the wine out there. But neither, not even the expensive stuff, usually tastes very good. Natural wine is the future. And The old guard wine establishment isn't...
Visar inlägg från juni, 2019